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Top 5 najbardziej aktywnych


Lukislko(Guild Master) - 1
PainPL(Vice-Guild Master) - 2
SWEN050(Vice-Guild Master) - 2
Grivmas(Vice-Guild Master) - 2
Glyziu- 3
Konar - 3
damiano120 - 3
MatsuflexXI - 3
Johne - 3
SiliSiliSili - 3
TheJava - 3
ShinigamiKai - 3
Oscha - 4
TheWarriors - 4
Stefan - 4
Nightmarka - 4
HiddenSoul - 4
KaTeKaRin - 4
krycha123- 5

1- Guild Master
2- Vice-Guild Master
3- Zasłużony Członek
4- Członek
5- okres próbny

Napisany przez Grivmas | Komentarzy: 0 | Wysłany: 2012-07-02

Friendly Match RR II

How it works:
- Two guilds will team up to fight another two guilds. For example: Raven + Believe vs DarknessGang + Heist (4 vs 4), 2 members from Raven and 2 members from Believe.
- NO exos ( If a player activate his or her exo by mistake but do not USE it, it is ok YET if the player USE the exocore =dq)
- NO stats(-30) (HP -3000)
- GM will create a room and map will be ( Chinatown)
- GM will megaphone the password so the members join the room.
- Sage and DHN is not allowed.
- Any questions about the one's team should be asked by ONLY a leader/coleader.
-No bungie items that revive
- Any disconnections that happen during the tournament match will not be redone (unless GM get dced or there is too much lag).
- If you change your in game name within the tournament period, you will not receive any prizes your guild is qualified for.
- Sharing account for the battle is not allowed (if a guild is found to shared accounts for battle =DQ) For example, Fury want to use Beba account since she have better stats/the perfect scroll = DQ
- Take a screenshot of the result screen just to be safe.

DQ = disqualification
The following rules are subject to change depending on context.

Thank you for your participation!

Horizon + Vanquish

OldSchool + Creations

Leaderz + Paranoia

FoxStriker + Bears

Forbidden Gods + Fake

Sn00b + 7DeadlySins

Destribute + Jinx

As I said, I gave priority to the guilds that are in Top 16

Top 4 guilds are getting PASS

Therefore, the teams that are joining FT RRII and their schedules are,

1st match

Horizon + Vanquish


FoxStriker + Bears

2nd match

OldSchool + Creations


Leaderz + Paranoia

The first match will start at 10:30 OGP (plus/minus 20mins)
The second match will start at 11:30 OGP (plus/minus 20 mins)

On May 29th

I'll talk to each of the representatives in game tomorrow and give them password

Czyli według tego walczymy (znowu) z Vanquish i Horizonem. Myślę że mamy szanse, ale musimy się troche zmobilizować.
Walczymy dzisiaj (29maj) o 19:30 (godzina może się zmienić).
Lukisklo, SWEN050 (Bears) Crid, Rikyu (FoxStriker).

Good luck & Have fun!

Napisany przez Lukisklo | Komentarzy: 0 | Wysłany: 2012-05-29

2 Walka

Room name: RRII: Vanquish vs Bears

Time: 9:00 AM OGP Time (=PDT)

Password: waldo29

Napisany przez Lukisklo | Komentarzy: 3 | Wysłany: 2012-05-22

Rumble Royale II


Przeciwnik był całkiem dobry czego się nie spodziewaliśmy.
Podziękowania dla teamu (Lukisklo, Konar, SWEN050, PainPL)

Następna walka z Vanquish!

Napisany przez Lukisklo | Komentarzy: 7 | Wysłany: 2012-05-14

Pierwsza Walka Turniejowa!

Tak więc walczymy z FoxStriker 15 maja o godzinie 18:30 naszego czasu (10:30 OGP Time).
Mam nadzieję, że się stawicie na czas.

Link do tematu na forum OGP: … TID=391703

Edit: Pierwszy Team ustalimy przed walką.

Napisany przez Lukisklo | Komentarzy: 1 | Wysłany: 2012-05-08

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